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Monthly Archives: October 2016

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Piles of potential

Thank you to David Ladd joinery for delivering us all these amazing offcuts for our students at Onslow College. I cannot wait to see what the students will create with all this. 

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Student’s embrace waste to make flat pack seat

With sheets of scrap plywood donated by a local builder to Onslow College’s workshop teacher Katy Cottrell, students have been encouraged to create sustainable furniture as part of their NCEA L3. ‘We’re very grateful to the builder for providing these large off cuts’ says teacher Katy. ‘What’s great is it saves the school money, it […]

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Old meets new. Handcrafted meets mass produced.

Sitting in juxtaposition. A table, reformed from the waste material from dismantled school desks and coupled with stools incorporating strips of modern builders melamine. Behind stands a modern mass produced plastic and steel seat and table. The foremost handcrafted items hark back to the times of William Morris, and stand boldly declaring ‘We are not […]

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Waste-based artwork shows function from junk

Sitting proudly against the stark white walls, a collection of seats, a table and some unusual forms await the critical eye of Massey university MFA staff. These items, though eclectic in their appearance share a common trait; they are all hand crafted from readily available waste collected from schools, builders and home and all bound […]

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VIPs view LUX wood dust ‘shrooms.

Deep within a hazy chasm, lying hidden beneath waterside flats lies a realm of light, texture and colour. Amongst the Glade, LUX festivals 2016 installation that has drawn over 6,000 visitors in just two weeks, sits a small colony of mushrooms. The creation of Massey MFA student Katy Cottrell, they pulse and glow with an […]