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Monthly Archives: September 2018

Japanese marquetry master shows how to utilise tiny wood cuts

Economate works by utilising offcuts of pre-consumer waste. Often this might be small A4 or A3 size sheets of melamine or short end pieces of timber. Often one barrier to using this material is the excuse ‘it’s not the right size’. Now we know that’s just plain lazy as with a bit of planing, some […]

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Wellington after Paris – learnings for future resilience

Economate’s Nick and Katy attended the Wellington Civic Trust’s Wellington After Paris seminar. Experts including Motu’s Professor Arthur Grimes, Wellington City Councillors David Lee and Iona Pannett and Waste Minimisation manager Rodney Boys who presented along with representatives from Forest and Bird, Zealandia and many others to highlight just how a circular economy is key […]

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How our first Economate was born

In 2016 construction firm Ladd Joinery had just finished with a project at Onslow College and had offcuts of leftover melamine which were too small to use on other jobs. As much as it saddened him to see it go to landfill David Ladd had another idea. Offer it to the school tech department. From […]

Economate at Falling Walls Lab, Royal Society NZ

Twenty competitors from institutes across New Zealand and the Pacific Islands converged to present innovative and groundbreaking concepts and advances in science. Supported by the German Embassy and Germany-New Zealand Chamber of Commerce judges were present from the Royal Society NZ, German Embassy and Callaghan Innovation. With just 3 minutes to pitch, Economate’s Katy presented […]