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Monthly Archives: November 2019

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Economate educates new entrepreneurs

Economate’s Katy and Nick were delighted to be invited to present at Victoria University Wellington’s/VicLink Entrepreneur Bootcamp. We described Economate’s journey, from simple idea and conversation to development into a social enterprise diverting nearly 100 cubic metres of waste to good causes in the community each year. We explained the importance of understanding audience and […]

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Meeting a fellow furniture saviour in Featherston

We met a kindred spirit this weekend in Collie Burt, a 76-year-old master craftsman whose talent goes largely hidden in a small garage in Featherston. You see Collie 1) appreciates good timber 2) hates seeing it go to waste and 3) uses his craft to connect people with quality wood. His workshop is scattered with […]

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Economate’s Katy brings new life to old furniture

After four years of exploring materiality, through a Masters of Fine Art, Katy’s project has come to full fruition. Working with both raw timber and recovered and visualising the intrinsic stories hidden within old secondhand furniture Katy shows how old material can be given a new lease of life. ‘My project is about revealing the […]