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Economate educates new entrepreneurs

Economate’s Katy and Nick were delighted to be invited to present at Victoria University Wellington’s/VicLink Entrepreneur Bootcamp. We described Economate’s journey, from simple idea and conversation to development into a social enterprise diverting nearly 100 cubic metres of waste to good causes in the community each year.

We explained the importance of understanding audience and developing a brand that connects, recognising the problem they are solving, identifying scale opportunities and risks and importance of developing a clear manageable transaction where business becomes sustainable (in an ongoing sense… not just green).

The dozen young people represent those with an interest in developing a future business. Economate has been growing and developing since 2016 and we’ve learnt a thing or two along the way. Just as we continue to support Wellington’s Climathon each year we enjoy supporting other new ventures to step out, be bold and enjoy developing an idea that makes the world a better place.

Thank you to Emily for the opportunity to present. If you would like Economate to present to your group or business please do get in touch.