Economate welcomes Friday Homes as new provider of material to Onslow College
We were delighted to welcome onboard the Economate train new partners at Friday Homes.
Friday Homes are a large regional construction firm based out of the Hutt Valley. On meeting with Katy, owner of the large family business Mike Friday could clearly identify volumes of waste material that were previously being sent to landfill that could be usable by the school. Cue two weeks later and Onslow College picked up it’s first 3m cubed trailer load of planks of treated pine and beam timber which is going to be perfect for the sustainable furniture module being worked on by Year 12 and 13 students.
We’re thrilled to have Friday Homes on board and already they’ve seen savings. One added bonus has been the snowball effect upon site staff as they understand the value of waste and how offcuts can still be used for smaller projects and have started implementing other recycling schemes across the business. Well done Friday Homes!