Home » What's New » Japanese marquetry master shows how to utilise tiny wood cuts

Japanese marquetry master shows how to utilise tiny wood cuts

Economate works by utilising offcuts of pre-consumer waste. Often this might be small A4 or A3 size sheets of melamine or short end pieces of timber.

Often one barrier to using this material is the excuse ‘it’s not the right size’. Now we know that’s just plain lazy as with a bit of planing, some clamps and wood glue you can join pieces together to form sheets.  A bit of creativity certainly helps.

However as Economate’s Katy is discovering with traditional marqeutry techniques, that by employing a similar approach with even smaller pieces you can create the building blocks of true mastery.

Check out this video below which shows how beautiful marquetry can be made using the tiniest of pieces joined together and sliced. If we could meet this Japanese master we’d certainly call him one of our Economates! Now we challenge other Economates to put this into practice and show us your work 🙂