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Yearly Archives: 2018

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Friday Homes’ Steve takes his waste home to save

Woop woop! We just want to give a big thumbs up to Friday Homes’ Steve Friday. Our Economate Friday Homes recently moved their yard following completion of a project in Wainuiomata. Having already set aside waste material for Onslow College Steve Friday just couldn’t bear to throw it away on packing up their yard. In […]

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Track Zero’s Climate Innovation Roadshow shows art and science can be friends

Pataka Art Gallery, Porirua, hosted Track Zero who brought a unique perspective on the relationship between art and science through expert climate scientists; Professors James Renwick (Victoria University) and Dr Craig Stevens (NIWA), Track Zero Founder, Sarah Meads, artist, researcher and educator, Gabby O’Connor; artist, artistic director Sam Trubridge; artist, curator and researcher, Dr Huhana Smith, and; artist Elizabeth Thomson. Some invaluable takeaways included clarification over […]

Economate gives back to support new start ups at Climathon 2018

After months of planning as part of a committee of over a dozen volunteers the annual Climathon NZ took place this 26/27 October at the National Library Wellington. Economate’s Nick and Katy were there with ‘ProtoPit’ a designated area to help nut out concepts, practice  ideation and create logos, visuals or prototypes for the climate […]

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GoodSense shares secrets for social enterprises

Wednesday evening – choice of Netflix and take out or enjoying a workshop on the latest findings and trends in marketing for social enterprises, hosted by GoodSEsne marketing, Sustainable Business Network and supported by Akina Foundation. The right choice was made (which included Tommy Millions Pizza – woop!). With 23 other socially minded peeps from […]

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SBN’s ‘Green Drinks’ show (responsible) plastic use can HELP a circular economy

Economate were fortunate to be invited to the Sustainable Business Network’s Green Drinks event at Flight Plastics. Here were heard from Flight Plastic’s Derek and Metal Art’s Karl on how their local Hutt Valley businesses are working both nationally and internationally to keep plastic circulating within a circular economy. Metal Art create incredible and importantly […]

Japanese marquetry master shows how to utilise tiny wood cuts

Economate works by utilising offcuts of pre-consumer waste. Often this might be small A4 or A3 size sheets of melamine or short end pieces of timber. Often one barrier to using this material is the excuse ‘it’s not the right size’. Now we know that’s just plain lazy as with a bit of planing, some […]